Less Stuff, More Happiness

How can less stuff bring more happiness? Graham Hill has his point! The 350 sq ft apartment bachelor brought out the most important change city life needs – shopping makes our life not better, but narrower because the more we shop, the bigger apartment we want, the more burben to our everything. Let’s be material-wise!

The Moneyless Man

對於居於英國的Mark Boyle而言,最重要的是他的車屋、一部太陽能手提電腦和用墨魚骨製成的牙膏,卻身無分文:「讀了六年經濟學,從未見過「ecology」一字。 要不是最後一個學年看過甘地的視頻,我現在可能高薪厚職,義無反顧的勸印度農夫種改基因植物。」

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The World’s Smallest Park – thanks to a brilliant mayor!

The inspiring mayor, the 25 year-old Svante Myrick, turned the Reserved for Mayor parking lot into a real parking space for everyone. The space that he can’t make use of because he walks to his office every day, is filled with benches for anyone to drop by. What’s the best part of it? He put… Continue reading The World’s Smallest Park – thanks to a brilliant mayor!

Helsinki’s Cleaning Day

Too busy for blog surfing this week, and I suddenly realised it’s all over my blogosphere  – Helskini’s Cleaning Day. It sounds like something about sanitation but nah, it’s the world’s first CLEANING DAY when the entire city flushes its unwanted goods out by donating/selling them on the street. It’s such an interesting idea that… Continue reading Helsinki’s Cleaning Day