Living without Money

我們與上一代之別,在於他們活著是為了生存,我們已經生存過來,求的是精神生活,就連庸俗盲目者亦然。確實如此,滿身華衣、酌樂笙歌背後無非為了自我感覺良好,說到底消費背後只有一個無形的理由。惟獨只有真正空乏者方需要以滿屋物質來堆砌美滿人生,這點大家都知道。老早在佔領華爾華爆發之前,我們都已經有感 Matrix 那種世不我與的感覺。我甚至在豆菀之年已經深受《Adbusters》所薰陶,自少熟習現實不存在於視線範圍之內。近日對於possession的退減和洗禮,在《Living without Money》尋得最好的知音和應。

The World’s Smallest Park – thanks to a brilliant mayor!

The inspiring mayor, the 25 year-old Svante Myrick, turned the Reserved for Mayor parking lot into a real parking space for everyone. The space that he can’t make use of because he walks to his office every day, is filled with benches for anyone to drop by. What’s the best part of it? He put… Continue reading The World’s Smallest Park – thanks to a brilliant mayor!